Donald Trump is a registered executive for hundreds of corporate entities. These include the Trump Corporation, Trump International Golf Club, the Trump Entrepreneur Initiative (better known Trump University), and many more. Mr. Trump has made renegotiating or ridding trade deals one of the central issues of his presidential campaign. Yet as an examination of ImportGenius shipping records reveals, businesses tied to the GOP presidential nominee have imported considerable amounts of goods from overseas, with no significant reduction since he began his run. Altogether, these businesses have imported 141 shipments of overseas ocean shipments in the last ten years, with most shipments coming from Italy, China, and Hong Kong. The wide range of businesses tied to the Trump family include, hotels, golf clubs, pageants, casinos, cosmetics businesses, and more. Many of them import various goods from overseas. For example: Trump National Doral Miami has imported 6,950 kilograms of massage beds and accessories from Germany; Trump International Hotel and Tower Chicago has imported 3,909 kilograms of cosmetics from Italy; Miss Universe has imported 91,585 kilograms of theatre equipment from Russia; and Trump International has imported 53,889 kilograms of elevator parts from China. Although ImportGenius isn’t able to ascertain the total monetary value of these goods, we are able to determine the number of shipments and their origin countries, the results of which are summarized below. By examining public ocean shipping records of various bills of lading, ImportGenius has been able to determine the origins and weights of products imported by Donald Trump’s various business interests. This report isn’t an exhaustive record of import shipments made by Trump-related companies, but it represents one of the most comprehensive attempts to detail the provenance of goods imported by his businesses.