Import Genius utilized for PETA's Kosher Crackdown

In a time of government and corporate secrecy, people want more than ever to know the truth about the products they use in their everyday lives. With food production and distribution currently taking place on a global level, it seems more complicated than ever to get a straight answer. However, import data from Import Genius can help clarify things.  People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals (PETA) is probably the most well-known animal rights advocacy group in the United States. Regardless of ones political beliefs, it’s hard to argue that PETA doesn’t know how to get things done. Whether it’s from naked celebrities to horrifically disturbing public service announcements, PETA is an ever-adapting force to be reckoned with.  The harvesting practices of the meat industry are notoriously questionable, and PETA has naturally been heavily critical. In a recent article posted by the LA Times website, reporter Nathaniel Popper utilized creative research techniques to get to the bottom of a Kosher conundrum.  Popper used our unique search parameters to discover where exactly so called ‘kosher’ meat shipped into the U.S. was originating from. The term ‘kosher’ refers to foods cooked, prepared and sold in accordance with restrictions set forth by Jewish tradition. The two most relevant of these regulatory rules state that animals should not have unnecessary pain inflicted upon them, and that diseased animals should not be used for human consumption.  Popper learned that the majority of kosher meat coming into the U.S. is produced from South American meat factories using distinctly un-kosher slaughter techniques such as the shackle-and-hoist method –a method whose name is sufficiently descriptive. All of this was essentially revealed by simply using Import Genius to backtrack import records of meat arriving into the U.S. accepted by companies that distribute kosher foods, to the companies that exported them.  With a little elbow grease in the form of researching the exporting companies, Popper has used cutting edge digital technologies to bring shady business practices to light. If more reporters utilized online services such as those provided by Import Genius, numerous global industries would have no choice but to clean up their acts or suffer the consequences.