Our database of U.S. ocean freight imports now includes dynamic maps that show the precise location of every U.S. importer along with each of their suppliers around the world. By integrating satellite-based maps provided by Google with our own U.S. customs database, which already contains the name and contact information for the buyer and seller of every shipment entering the country, we've made it even easier for our clients to pinpoint the businesses they are researching. We've tucked the maps neatly into the "shipment details" section of the search results. After you've opened up a particular shipment record by clicking on the little magnifying glass, simply click "Show Map." A map will appear showing you the exact location of the buyer or supplier of that shipment, wherever they may be in the world. You can turn on the satellite mode and zoom in close for an actual picture of that company's facilities or zoom out a few levels to understand where the business is located in the context of landmarks you recognize. We see the Google maps integration as merely the tip of the iceberg as far as our ability to enhance our database of U.S. customs records with information from third parties.